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New Books at the Law Library – 14/10/20

LAW LIBRARY reference room (level 2): E92 .S77 2014
Keith Smith, ed., Strange Visitors: Documents in Indigenous-Settler Relations in Canada from 1876 (North York: University of Toronto Press, 2014).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: K346 .S63 2014
Nick Smith, Justice through Apologies: Remorse, Reform, and Punishment (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: K487.G45 K44 2015
Sarah Keenan, Subversive Property: Law and the Production of Spaces of Belonging (Abingdon: Routledge, 2015).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: K559 .S257 2014
Geoffrey Samuel, An Introduction to Comparative Law Theory and Method (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2014).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: K720 .S67 2014
John G. Sprankling, The International Law of Property (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014).
Online access:

LAW LIBRARY level 3: K726 .C66 2014
Eric Descheemaeker, ed. The Consequences of Possession (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2014).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: K1066 .F59 2014
Annegret Flohr, Self-Regulation and Legalization: Making Global Rules for Banks and Corporations

LAW LIBRARY level 3: K1705 .S925 2014
Lee Swepston, The Development in International Law of Articles 23 and 24 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: The Labor Rights Articles (Leiden: Brill Nijhoff, 2014).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: K2263 .W348 2014
Douglas Walton, Burden Proof Presumption And Argumentation (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: K3165 .K567 2014
Poul F. Kjaer, Constitutionalism in the Global Realm: A Sociological Approach Online access:

LAW LIBRARY level 3: K3171 .K73 2014
Friedrich Kratochwil, The Status of Law in World Society Meditations on the Role and Rule of Law (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: K3171 .M65 2014
Jørgen Møller & Svend-Erik Skaaning, The Rule of Law: Definitions, Measures, Patterns and Causes (Basingstoke Palgrave Macmillan, 2014).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: K3289 .S63 2014
Mikael Spång, Constituent Power and Constitutional Order. Above, Within and Beside the Constitution (Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: K3488 .M67 2014
Elisa Morgera, Elsa Tsioumani & Matthias Buck, Unraveling the Nagoya Protocol: A Commentary on the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-sharing to the Convention on Biological Diversity (Leiden: Brill, 2014).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: K3488 .T73 2014
Louis J. Kotzé & Thilo Marauhn, eds., Transboundary Governance of Biodiversity (Leiden: Brill Nijhoff, 2014).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: K3570 .G67 2014
Lawrence O. Gostin, Global Health Law> (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2014).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: K3585.5 .G87 2014
Joyeeta Gupta, The History of Global Climate Governance (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: K5250 .A954 2014
Mayesha Alam, Women and Transitional Justice: Progress and Persistent Challenges in Retributive and Restorative Processes (Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: K5320 .O36 2014
Juliet R. Amenge Okoth, The Crime of Conspiracy in International Criminal Law (The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press, 2014).
Online access:

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KD1994 .D38 2014
Mark Davies, The Law of Professional Immunities (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KD7325 .S67 2014
John Sorabji, English Civil Justice after the Woolf and Jackson Reforms: A Critical Analysis (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014).
Online access:

LAW LIBRARY reference room (level 2): KE850 .W33 2014
S.M. Waddams et al., Cases and Materials on Contracts, 5th ed. (Toronto: Emond Montgomery Publications, 2014).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KE1232 .W44 2014
Ernest J. Weinrib, Tort Law: Cases and Materials, 4th ed. (Toronto: Emond Montgomery Publications, 2014).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KNC982.H86 K73 2014
Naparat Kranrattanasuit, ASEAN and Human Trafficking: Case Studies of Cambodia, Thailand, and Vietnam (Leiden: Brill Nijhoff, 2014).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KNQ3242 .W3613 2014
Xiaoye Wang, The Evolution Of China’s Anti-Monopoly Law (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2014).

LAW LIBRARY reference room (level 2): KZ4114 I58 2014
Hugh M. Kindred et al., eds., International Law Chiefly as Interpreted and Applied in Canada, 8th ed. (Toronto: Emond Montgomery Publications, 2014).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KZ7000 .I587 2014
Robert Cryer et al., An Introduction to International Criminal Law and Procedure (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KZ7000 .S74 2014
David P. Stewart, International Criminal Law in a Nutshell (St. Paul: West Academic Publishing, 2014).

New Books at the Law Library – 14/09/29

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KJE995 .R45 2014
Norbert Reich, General Principles of EU Civil Law (Cambridge: Intersentia, 2014).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KZ6385 .M67 2014
James D. Morrow, Order within Anarchy: The Laws of War as an International Institution (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KZ7155 .G357 2014
Anne T. Gallagher AO & Fiona David, The International Law of Migrant Smuggling (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014).
Online access:

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KPA2970 .S66 2014
yŏn’gu ch’aegimja Son Sang-sik, Kongmu tamimkwŏn ŭi naeyong kwa simsa kijun
공무 담임권 의 내용 과 심사 기준 / 연구 책임자 손 상식.
([Sŏul-si]: Hŏnpŏp Chaep’anso Hŏnpŏp Chaep’an Yŏn’guwŏn, 2014).
([서울시] : 헌법 재판소 헌법 재판 연구원, 2014).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KPA3273 .C46 2014
yŏn’gu ch’aegimja Chŏng Yŏng-hun, Chigŏp ŭi chayu ch’imhae yŏbu e taehan simsa kijun : chagyŏk chedo e ŭihan chigŏp ŭi chayu chehan ŭl chungsim ŭro
직업 의 자유 침해 여부 에 대한 심사 기준 : 자격 제도 에 의한 직업 의 자유 제한 을 중심 으로 / 연구 책임자 정 영훈.
([Sŏul-si]: Hŏnpŏp Chaep’anso Hŏnpŏp Chaep’an Yŏn’guwŏn, 2014).
([서울시] : 헌법 재판소 헌법 재판 연구원, 2014).

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Printing from Laptops

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New Books at the Law Library – 14/09/22

LAW LIBRARY level 3: HD4903.5.C2 E473 2014
Carol Agócs, ed., Employment Equity in Canada: The Legacy of the Abella Report (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2014).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: HD5481 .D58 2014
Blaine Donais, The Art and Science of Workplace Mediation (Toronto: Carswell, 2014).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: HV8158 .S36 2014
Ian D. Scott, ed., Issues in Civilian Oversight of Policing in Canada (Toronto: Canada Law Book, 2014).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: K376 .L63 2014
Elizabeth Comack, ed., Locating Law, Race, Class, Gender, Sexuality Connections 3d ed. (Halifax: Fernwood Publishing, 2014).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: K3241 .F746 2014
Rosa Freedman, Failing to Protect: The UN and the Politicisation of Human Rights (London: Hurst & Co. (Publishers) Ltd., 2014).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: K3275 .R47 2014
Vincent Chetail & Céline Bauloz, eds., Research Handbook On International Law And Migration (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2014).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KD1596 .T74 2014
Guenter Treite, Frustration and Force Majeure , 3d ed. (London: Sweet & Maxwell, 2014).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KD2100 .H65 2013
Robin Hollington, Hollington on Shareholders’ Rights, 7th ed. (London: Sweet & Maxwell, 2013).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KD7499 .P46 2013
Hodge M. Malek et al, eds., Phipson on Evidence, 18th ed. (London: Sweet & Maxwell, 2013).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KD8000 .A97 2014
Anthony Arlidge, Alexander Milne & Polly Sprenger, Arlidge and Parry on Fraud, 4th ed. (London: Sweet & Maxwell, 2014).

LAW LIBRARY reference room (level 2): KE265 .C37 2014
Queen’s University Law Students’ Society, Canadian Guide to Legal Style Toronto: Carswell, 2014).

LAW LIBRARY reference room (level 2): KE787 .O58 2014
A. H. Oosterhoff, Oosterhoff on Trusts: Text, Commentary and Materials, 8th ed. (Toronto: Carswell, 2014).

LAW LIBRARY reference room (level 2): KE850.A7 C65 2014
Stephanie Ben-Ishai & David R. Percy, eds., Contracts: Cases and Commentaries, 9th ed. (Toronto: Carswell, 2014).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KE9265 C34 2014
Gordon Scott, The Investigator’s Legal Handbook, 2d ed. (Toronto: Carswell, 2014).

New Books at the Law Library – 14/09/15

LAW LIBRARY reference room (level 2): KE787 .P39 2014
Dennis Pavlich, Trusts in Common-Law Canada (Markham: LexisNexis, 2014).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KF1249.4 .R463
American Law Institute, Restatement of the Law Third: Torts: Intentional Torts to Persons, Discussion Draft (April 4, 2014) (Philadelphia: The Executive Office, The American Law Institute, 2014).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KF3319 .R4753 2014
American Law Institute, Restatement of the Law Third: Employment Law: Proposed Final Draft (April 18, 2014) (Philadelphia: Executive Office, American Law Institute, 2014).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KF4651 .R477
American Law Institute, Restatement of the Law Fourth: The Foreign Relations Law of the United States Jurisdiction: Tentative Draft (April 1, 2014) (Philadelphia: Executive Office, American Law Institute, 2014).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KF9325 .M634
American Law Institute, Model Penal Code: Sexual Assault and Related Offenses: Tentative Draft No. 1 (April 30, 2014) (Philadelphia: The American Law Institute, 2014).

New Books at the Law Library – 12/09/02

LAW LIBRARY level 3: K699 .A84 2015
Robert Leckey, ed., After Legal Equality: Family, Sex, Kinship (Abingdon: Routledge, 2015).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: K721.5.A6 Y68 2014
Bram Akkermans, Ernst Marais & Eveline Ramaekers, eds., Property Law Perspectives II (Cambridge: Intersentia, 2014).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: K3710 .H36 2014
James A.R. Nafziger & Robert Kirkwood Paterson, eds., Handbook on the Law of Cultural Heritage and International Trade (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2014).

New Books at the Law Library – 14/09/25

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KE806 .S93 2014
M. Jasmine Sweatman, Powers of Attorney and Capacity: Practice and Procedure (Toronto: Canada Law Book 2014).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KF282 .T73 2014
Susan Bryant, Elliott S. Milstein & Ann C. Shalleck, eds., Transforming the Education of Lawyers: The Theory and Practice of Clinical Pedagogy (Durham: Carolina Academic Press, 2014).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KZ7000 .J35 2014
Neha Jain, Perpetrators and Accessories in International Criminal Law : Individual Modes of Responsibility for Collective Crimes (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2014).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: K8 .O49
憲法 論叢 / Hŏnpŏp nonch’ong
(Sŏul: Hŏnpŏp Chaep’anso, 2012 & 2013)
(서울 : 憲法 裁判所, 2012 & 2013)

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KPA2066.3 .H65
Hŏnpŏp Silmu Yŏn’guhoe p’yŏn, Hŏnpŏp silmu yŏn’gu
憲法 實務 研究 / 憲法 實務 研究會 编.
(Sŏul T’ŭkpyŏlsi: Pagyŏngsa, 2013)
(서울 特別市 : 博英社, 2013).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KPA2066.3 .K672
Hŏnpŏp Chaep’anso kyŏlchŏng haesŏlchip
헌법 재판소 결정 해설집.
(Sŏul: Hŏnpŏ̆p Chaepanso, 2011 & 2013)
(서울 : 憲法 裁判所, 2011 & 2013)

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KPA2070 .C456 2014
Chŏng Chae-hwang chŏ, Sin hŏnpŏp immun 新 헌법 입문 / 정 재황 저.
(Sŏul T’ŭkpyŏlsi : Pagyŏngsa, 2014).
(서울 특별시 : 박영사, 2014).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KPA2070 .C4643 2013
Cho Yu-jin chiŭm, Ch’ŏŭm ingnŭn hŏnpŏp : ch’ŏngsonyŏn ŭl wihan hŏnpŏp killajabi
처음 읽는 헌법 : 청소년 을 위한 헌법 길라잡이 / 조 유진 지음.
(Sŏul-si: Ihaksa, 2013).
(서울시 : 이학사, 2013).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KPA2070 .C65 2013
Hŏnpŏp Chaep’an Yŏn’guwŏn, Ch’ŏngsonyŏn ŭl wihan algi shwiun hŏnpŏp
청소년 을 위한 알기 쉬운 헌법 / 헌법 재판 연구원 <청소년 을 위한 알기 쉬운 헌법> 발간 위원회, 위원장 김 문현 ; 집필 위원, 손 인혁 ([Sŏul]: Hŏnpŏp chaep’an yŏn’guwŏn, 2013).
([서울] : 헌법 재판 연구원, 2013).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KPA2280 .H96 2013
ch’aegim yŏn’guja, Kim Hyŏn-ch’ŏl, Hyŏngbyŏl kyujŏng e taehan wihŏn kyŏlchŏng ŭi sichŏk hyoryŏk e kwanhan yŏn’gu
형별 규정 에 대한 위헌 결정 의 시적 효력 에 관한 연구 / 책임 연구자, 김 현철.
(Sŏul: Hŏnpŏp Chaep’anso, 2013).
(서울 : 헌법 재판소, 2013).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KPA2280 .K55 2014
Kim Ha-yŏl chŏ, Hŏnpŏn sosongpŏp
헌법 소송법 / 김 하열 저.
(Sŏul T’ŭkpyŏlsi: Pagyŏngsa, 2014).
(서울 특별시 : 박영사, 2014).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KPA2640 .H66 2013
ch’aegim yŏn’guwŏn, Yi Hyo-wŏn, Hŏnpŏp chaep’an e issŏsŏ sinsokhan sagŏn ch’ŏri rŭl wihan chedo kaesŏn pangan
헌법 재판 에 있어서 신속한 사건 처리 를 위한 제도 개선 방안 / 책임 연구원, 이 효원.
([Sŏul-si]: Hŏnpŏp Chaep’anso, 2013).
([서울시] : 헌법 재판소, 2013).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KT4569 .K68
Hŏnpŏp Chaepʻanso pʻallyejip.
헌법 재판소 판례집.
([Seoul]: Hŏnpŏp Chaepʻanso, 2012 & 2013).
([Seoul] : 헌법 재판소, 2012 & 2013).

New Books at the Law Library – 14/08/18

LAW LIBRARY reference room (level 2): K530 .I57 v. 6:7
Cornelius G. van der Merwe, Security in Immovables (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck / Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff, 2014.

LAW LIBRARY reference room (level 2): K530 .I57 v. 15
Matthew W. Finkin, Introduction: The Past and Future of Labor Law in Comparative Perspective

LAW LIBRARY reference room (level 2): KE618 .Z54 2014
Bruce Ziff, Principles of Property Law, 6th ed. (Toronto: Carswell, 2014).

LAW LIBRARY reference room (level 2): KE8440 .S66 2014
Sidney N. Lederman, Alan W. Bryant & Michelle K. Fuerst, The Law of Evidence in Canada, 4th ed. (Markham: LexisNexis, 2014).

New Books at the Law Library – 14/08/11

LAW LIBRARY level 3: K1401 .M89 2014
Laura J. Murray, S. Tina Piper & Kirsty Robertson, Putting Intellectual Property in its Place: Rights Discourses, Creative Labor, and the Everyday (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014).