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New Books at the Law Library – 23/02/14

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KE2107.B5 F67 2022
Christopher Waters, Every Cyclist’s Guide to Canadian Law, 2nd ed. (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2022)

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KE8585 .S66 2022
John Sopinka, Mark A. Gelowitz & W. David Rankin, Sopinka, Gelowitz, and Rankin on the Conduct of an Appeal, 5th ed. (Toronto: LexisNexis Canada, 2022).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KF8205 .R4725 2022
American Law Institute, Restatement of the Law, the Law of American Indians: As Adopted and Promulgated by the American Law Institute, May 17, 2021 (St. Paul: American Law Institute Publishers, 2022).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: WA530.JA1 G56 2023
Lesley A. Jacobs, Yoshitaka Wada & Ilan Vertinsky, eds., Global Health Security in China, Japan, and India: Assessing Sustainable Development Goals (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2023).