New Books

New Books at the Law Library – 06/02/20

HD6135 .H35 2004
Catherine Hakim, Key issues in women’s work : female diversity and the polarisation of women’s employment (London: GlassHouse, 2004).
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JV7590 .M4 2005
David McKeever, Jessica Schultz, & Sophia Swithern, Foreign territory: the internationalisation of EU asylum policy (Oxford: Oxfam, 2005).
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KB15.K39 A1 2005
Fred Kaufman, Searching for justice: an autobiography (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2005).
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KB181 .T47 2005
Li-ann Thio, Managing Babel: the international legal protection of minorities in the twentieth century (Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2005).
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KM70 .C6583 2005
Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, Constitutional law and health care in Canada : materials prepared for the Continuing Legal Education seminar, Constitutional law and health care in Canada, held in Vancouver, B.C. on December 1, 2005 (Vancouver: Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 2005 ).
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KM176 .I443 2005
Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, Immigration issues, 2005 update : materials prepared for the Continuing Legal Education seminar, Immigration issues in depth 2005, held in Vancouver, B.C. on December 2, 2005 (Vancouver: Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 2005).
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KM201 .M365 2005
Susan Marks & Andrew Clapham, International human rights lexicon (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005).
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KM201 .N66 2005
Philip Alston, ed., Non-state actors and human rights (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005).
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KM208 .M43 2004
European Centre for Minority Issues, Mechanisms for the implementation of minority rights (London: Council of Europe Pub., 2004).
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KM209.I6 P752 2005
Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, Privacy, 2005 update : materials prepared for the Continuing Legal Education conference, Privacy practice, held in Vancouver, B.C. on November 24, 2005 (Vancouver: Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 2005).
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KM220 .H855 2005
Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, Human rights, 2005 update : materials prepared for the Continuing Legal Education seminar, Human Rights 2005, held in Vancouver, B.C. on November 2, 2005 (Vancouver: Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 2005).
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KM220 .S527 2005
Robert J. Sharpe & Kent Roach, The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, 3d ed. (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2005).
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KN62 .M36 2004
Richard Boast et al., M¯aori land law (Wellington: LexisNexis, 2004).
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KN82 .C6573 2005
Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, Construction law, 2005 update : materials prepared for the Continuing Legal Education conference, Construction law 2005, held in Vancouver, B.C. on November 25, 2005 (Vancouver: Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 2005).
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KN87 .M5565 2005
Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, Mining law : materials prepared for the Continuing Legal Education seminar, Mining 2005, held in Vancouver, B.C. on November 4, 2005 (Vancouver: Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 2005).
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SH222.C3 M36 1986
Arthur F. McEvoy, The fisherman’s problem: ecology and law in the California fisheries, 1850-1980 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986).
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KV19.8 .M35 2005
Tove H. Malloy, National minority rights in Europe (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005).
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New Books at the Law Library – 06/02/13

KA70.E26 L397 2005
Francesco Parisi & Vernon L. Smith, eds., The law and economics of irrational behavior (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2005).
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KN95.31 .C567
Canada, Environment Canada, Consultation on amending the list of species under the Species at Risk Act Canada (Ottawa : Environment Canada, 2004).
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KN185.3 .T52 2004
Justine Thornton & Silas Beckwith, Environmental law, 2d ed. (London: Sweet & Maxwell, 2004).
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KN185.3 .E5774 2004
Robert J. Goldstein, ed., Environmental ethics and law (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2004).
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KN198.8 .H663 2005
Jack B. Hood, Benjamin A. Hardy, Jr., & Harold S. Lewis, Jr., Workers’ compensation and employee protection laws in a nutshell, 4th ed. (St. Paul: Thomson/West, 2005).
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KN388.3 .T464 2005
Larry L. Teply, Legal negotiation in a nutshell, 2d ed. (St. Paul: Thomson/West, 2005).
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KZ6010 .N66 2005
Math Noortmann, Enforcing international law : from self-help to self-contained regimes (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005).
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New Books at the Law Library – 06/02/06

HD6135 .H35 2004
Catherine Hakim, Key issues in women’s work : female diversity and the polarisation of women’s employment, 2nd ed. (London:GlassHouse, 2004).
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KA10 .W54 2005
Melanie Williams, Secrets and laws : collected essays in law, lives, and literature (London: UCL Press, 2005).
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KB204 .F74 2005
Edith Brown Weiss, Laurence Boisson de Chazournes, & Nathalie Bernasconi-Osterwalder, eds., Fresh water and international economic law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005).
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KB235 .N385 2005
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, National treatment for foreign-controlled enterprises (Paris: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2005).
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KL90 .N44 2005
Margot Taylor, Negotiation, 2005/2006 ed. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005).
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KM31 .C595 2005
Wojciech Sadurski, ed., Constitutional theory. (Aldershot: Ashgate/Dartmouth, 2005).
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KM337.1 .M384 2005
Tim Edgar and Daniel Sandler, eds., Materials on Canadian income tax, 13th ed. (Toronto: Thomson Carswell, 2005).
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KM597 .D69 2005
James M. Doyle, True witness : cops, courts, science, and the battle against misidentification (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2005).
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KN10 .M44 2005
John D. McCamus, The law of contracts (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2005).
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KN96 .I84 2005
The Law Society, The General Council of the Bar & the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, Is it me or is it getting more complicated? : papers from a Conference held at New College, Oxford, September 2005. (LondonSweet & Maxwell, 2005).

KN106.4 .C84 2005
Ronald C.C. Cuming, Catherine Walsh, & Roderick J. Wood, Personal property security law (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2005).
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KN170 .P398 2006
Julien D. Payne & Marilyn A. Payne, Canadian family law, 2nd ed. (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2006).
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KN192.24 .W477 2004
Daniel P. Westman & Nancy M. Modesitt, Whistleblowing : the law of retaliatory discharge, 2nd ed. (Washington, DC: Bureau of National Affairs, 2004).
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KN350 .B73 2005
Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, British Columbia civil trial handbook, 2nd ed. (Vancouver: Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 2005).
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KV36 .E9767 2004
European Committee of Social Rights, European social charter (revised) : conclusions 2004 (Strasbourg: Council of Europe Pub., 2004).
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KZ6795.T47 D84 2005
Helen Duffy, The “war on terror” and the framework of international law (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005).
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LE3 .B7 2004 A64 A27 LAW LIBRARY reserve collection
Marianne Freiermuth Abt, The management of diversity : flexible integration in environmental law through enhanced cooperation in the EU and harmonization in Canada ([Vancouver]: University of British Columbia, 2004).

LE3 .B7 2005 A64 L48 LAW LIBRARY reserve collection
Rachael Levene, Irregular migrant workers in the UK : a story of marginalization ([Vancouver]: University of British Columbia, 2005).

LE3 .B7 2004 A64 M57 LAW LIBRARY reserve collection
Timothy James Morris, Allocating ground water in the Great Lakes Basin : an anaylsis [i.e. analysis] of international and domestic law and policy ([Vancouver]: University of British Columbia, 2004).

LE3 .B7 2005 A64 N87 LAW LIBRARY reserve collection
Matthias Nussbaum, Golden handshakes and golden parachutes : severance packages for corporate executives ([Vancouver]: University of British Columbia, 2005).

LE3 .B7 2004 A64 S72 LAW LIBRARY reserve collection
Mark L. Stevenson, The Metis aboriginal rights revolution ([Vancouver]: University of British Columbia, 2004).

LE3 .B7 2004 A64 S78 LAW LIBRARY reserve collection
Katherine Jane Stoeckel, Economics and the equitable utilization of transboundary freshwater ([Vancouver]: University of British Columbia, 2004).

WX33.DC2 P47 2005
Halyna Perun, Michael Orr, & Fannie Dimitriadis, Guide to the Ontario Personal Health Information Protection Act (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2005).
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New Books at the Law Library – 06/09/30

KB197 .B82 2005
F.H. Buckley, Just exchange : a theory of contract (London: Routledge, 2005).
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KB224 .L334 2005
Philip Alston, ed., Labour rights as human rights (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005).
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KL155 .N43 2004 LAW LIBRARY reserve collection
Nadia E. Nedzel, Legal reasoning, research, and writing for international graduate students (New York: Aspen Publishers, 2004).
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KM233 .R47 2004
United States, Dept. of Justice, Report from the field : the USA Patriot Act at work ([Washington, D.C.]: U.S. Dept. of Justice, 2004).
Online access:

KM570 .Q53 2005 LAW LIBRARY reserve collection
Tim Quigley, Procedure in Canadian criminal law (Toronto: Thomson Carswell, 2005).
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KM587 .F47 2005
T.W. Ferris, Sentencing : practical approaches (Markham: LexisNexis Butterworths, 2005).
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KN10 .C4 2005
Mindy Chen-Wishart, Contract law (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005).
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KN106.4 .S428 2005
Dennis Campbell & Allen Brenner, eds., Security over immovables in selected jurisdictions (The Hague: Kluwer Law International, 2005).
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KN181.1 .K54 2005
Gordon Killeen & Andrew James, Annotated Canada Pension Plan and Old Age Security Act, 5th ed. (Toronto: CCH Canadian, 2005).
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KV19 .C68 2004
Council of the European Union, General Secretariat, Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe : as approved by the Intergovernmental Conference on 18 June 2004 (Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2004).
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New Books at the Law Library – 06/02/23

E78.C2 W56 2004
Pamela Williamson and John Roberts, First Nations peoples (Toronto: Emond Montgomery Publications, 2004).
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KM108 .R47 2005
Kamal Ahmad et al., Report from the ADB symposium on challenges in implementing access to justice reforms, 26-28 January 2005 (Manila: Asian Development Bank, 2005).

KN125 .F39 2004
Derek Fazakas, Wills and estates (Toronto: Emond Montgomery Publications, 2004).
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KT4246 .T3 2004 LAW LIBRARY Chinese collection
Loke Khoon Tan, Pirates in the Middle Kingdom : the art of trademark war (Hong KongSweet & Maxwell Asia, 2004).
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New Books at the Law Library – 06/01/16

KM141 .K57 2004
Michael Kirby, Judicial activism : authority, principle and policy in the judicial method (London: Sweet & Maxwell, 2004).
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KM172 .C363 2005
Canada, Parliament, House of Commons, Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration, Updating Canada’s citizenship laws : it’s time : report of the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration ([Ottawa]: Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration, 2005).
Online access:

KM208.2 .R49 2005
James I. Reynolds, A breach of duty : fiduciary obligations and Aboriginal peoples (Saskatoon: Purich Pub., 2005).
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KM680 .H863 2005
United Nations, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Human rights and prisons : a compilation of international human rights instruments concerning the administration of justice (New York: United Nations, 2005).
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KM304 .S93 2005
John Swaigen, Administrative law : principles and advocacy (Toronto: Emond Montgomery Publications, 2005).
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KM336.447 .F76 2005
Larry H. Frostiak & John E.S. Poyser, Practitioner’s guide to trusts, estates and trust returns (Toronto: Thomson Canada, 2005).
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KM587 .A887 2005a
Australia, Law Reform Commission, Sentencing of federal offenders (Sydney: The Commission, 2005).
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KN10 .W33 2005
S.M. Waddams et al., Cases and materials on contracts, 3rd ed. (Toronto: Emond Montgomery Publications, 2005).
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KN50 .M677 2004
Mary Jane Mossman & William F. Flanagan, Property law : cases and commentary, 2nd ed. (Toronto: Emond Montgomery Publications, 2004).
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KN111 .B87 2003
Kevin LaRoche, Christine Collard, & Walter DiCesare eds., The business of innovation : intellectual property transactions in Canada (Canada: Borden Ladner Gervais LLP, 2003).
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KN92 .R46 2005
British Columbia Law Institute, Report on leases of unsubdivided land and the Top Line case (Vancouver: British Columbia Law Institute, 2005).
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KN176.2 .R46 2005
British Columbia Law Institute, Report on the recognition of adult guardianship orders from outside the Province (Vancouver: British Columbia Law Institute, 2005).
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KN266 .S98 2003
James W. Syfers, Law and philosophy subversive of democracy (New York: Peter Lang, 2003).
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KN304.1 .C6543 2005
Mary G. Condon, Anita I. Anand, & Janis P. Sarra, Securities law in Canada : cases and commentary (Toronto: Emond Montgomery Publications, 2005).
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KN304.1 .Q83 2003
Anita I. Anand and William F. Flanagan, eds., Conflicts of interest in capital market structures : papers presented at the 10th Queen’s annual Business Law Symposium 2003 (Kingston: Queen’s Annual Business Law Symposium, Faculty of law, Queen’s University, 2004).
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KN305.1 .G44 2004
Steven Gee, Commercial injunctions (formerly Mareva injunctions and Anton Piller relief), 5th ed. (London: Sweet & Maxwell, 2004).
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KN347.9 .C36 2004
Canada, Privacy Commissioner of Canada, Your privacy responsibilities : Canada’s Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act : a guide for businesses and organizations (Ottawa: Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada, 2004).
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KN390 .E47 2004
Raymond Emson, Evidence, 2nd ed. (Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004).
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KN391.5 .A536 2005
Glenn R. Anderson, Expert evidence (Markham: LexisNexis Canada, 2005).
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KN395.2 .R468 2005
British Columbia Law Institute, Report on the Uniform Civil Enforcement of Money Judgments Act (Vancouver: British Columbia Law Institute, 2005).
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KT4565 .S87 2002 LAW LIBRARY Korean collection
Supreme Court of the Republic of Korea, The Supreme Court of Korea ([Seoul]: Ministry of Court Administration, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Korea, [2002?]).

New Books at the Law Library – 06/01/03

KM520 .J876 2005
Wanda D. McCaslin, ed., Justice as healing : indigenous ways (St. Paul: Living Justice Press, 2005).
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KM599.1 .W45 2005
Michael Scott Weiss, Public defenders : pragmatic and political motivations to represent the indigent (New York: LFB Scholarly Pub. LLC, 2005).
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KN10 .C343 2004
John D. Calamari & Joseph M. Perillo., Contracts, 4th ed. (St. Paul: Thomson/West, 2004).
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KN70 .K87 2005
JoAnn Kurtz & Joan Emmans, Arlene Blatt, Residential real estate transactions, 2nd ed. (Toronto: Emond Montgomery Publications, 2005).
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KN111 .I5594 2004
D. Vaver & L. Bently, eds., Intellectual property in the new millennium : essays in honour of William R. Cornish (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004).
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KN185.3 .D852 2004
James S. Mallet, Enforcing environmental law : a guide to private prosecution, 2nd ed. (Edmonton: Environmental Law Centre, 2004).
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KN285.6 .Z33 2005
Frank Zaid, Franchise law (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2005).
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KV19.6 .C35 2005
Kitty Calavita, Immigrants at the margins : law, race, and exclusion in Southern Europe (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005).
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New Books at the Law Library – 05/12/19

KM320 .A346 2005
Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, Administrative law conference, 2005 : materials prepared for the Continuing Legal Education seminar, Administrative Law Conference 2005, held in Vancouver, B.C. on October 6, 2005 (Vancouver: Continuing Legal Education Society of BC, 2005).
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New Books at the Law Library – 05/12/12

FC97 .K48 2005
Gerald Kernerman, Multicultural nationalism : civilizing difference, constituting community (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2005).
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HD7106 .C2
Legal Services Society of British Columbia, When I’m 64: Guide to benefits and services for people aged 60 and over, revised January 2005 ed. (New Westminster: Legal Services Society of British Columbia, January 2005).
Online access:

HF1379 .D56 2005
Janet Dine, Companies, international trade and human rights (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005).
Table of contents:
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HJ9921 .C363 2005
Canada, Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills Development, Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities, An examination of new directives governing contribution agreements for selected programs delivered on behalf of Human Resources and Skills Development Canada : report of the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills Development, Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities ([Ottawa]: Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills Development, Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities, 2005).
Online access:

HV6541.C2 J64 2005
Kirsten Johnson Kramar, Unwilling mothers, unwanted babies : infanticide in Canada (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2005).
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JL111 .C36 2005
Canada, Parliament, Standing Committee on Official Languages, Bilingualism in public service of Canada : report of the Standing Committee on Official Languages ([Ottawa]: Standing Committee on Official Languages, 2005).
Online access:

JL136 .C3632 2005
Canada, Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics, A new process for funding Officers of Parliament : report of the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics ([Ottawa]: Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics, 2005).
Online access:

K101 .F582 2005
Judith D. Fischer, Pleasing the court : writing ethical and effective briefs (Durham: Carolina Academic Press, 2005).
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KB11.C2 B3884 2005
Jack Batten with the Advocates’ Society, Learned friends : a tribute to fifty remarkable Ontario advocates, 1950-2000 (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2005).
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KL11 .S58 2004
Gary Slapper & David Kelly The English legal system (London: Cavendish, 2004).
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KA70.A57 H588 1989
June Starr and Jane F. Collier, eds., History and power in the study of law : new directions in legal anthropology (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1989).
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KL177.Q4 Q445
Queensland, Law Reform Commission, Annual report / Queensland Law Reform Commission ([Brisbane]: The Queensland Law Reform Commission, 2005).
Online access:

KL211.N48 G68 2005
Nina Jane Goudie, Down north on the Labrador circuit : the Court of Civil Jurisdiction, 1826 to 1833 : an essay to commemorate the opening of the Supreme Court courthouse in Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Labrador ([St. John’s]: Law Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador, 2005).
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KL222.5 .S67 2005
James L.H. Sprague, The annotated British Columbia Administrative Tribunals Act (Scarborough: Carswell, 2005).
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KM237 .C365 2004
Canada, Privy Council Office, Conflict of interest and post-employment code for public office holders, rev. ed. (Ottawa: Privy Council Office], 2004).
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KM306 .A372 2004
Administrative Review Council, Automated assistance in administrative decision making : report to the Attorney-General (Barton: Administrative Review Council, 2004).
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KM307 .A56
Alberta. Office of the Ombudsman, Annual report of the Ombudsman (Edmonton: Office of the Ombudsman, 2005).
Online access:

KM337.1 .C3753
CCH Canadian Limited, Draft legislation and explantory notes implementing remaining 2005 budget income tax measures (Don Mills: CCH Canadian, August 15, 2005).

KM337.1 .C3753
CCH Canadian Limited, Special report: Notice of ways and means motions re GST and income tax amendments (Don Mills: CCH Canadian, November 17, 2005).

KN58.2 .C36 2005
Canada, Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, Walking arm-in-arm to resolve the issue of on-reserve matrimonial real property : report of the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development ([Ottawa]: Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, 2005).
Online access:

KN114.1 .M55 2005
Oliver Mills, Biotechnological inventions : moral restraints and patent law (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005).
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KN125 .S647 2003
Robyn Solnik & Mary-Alice Thompson, Drafting wills in Ontario : a lawyer’s practical guide (Toronto: CCH Canadian, 2003).
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KN172.9.C6 S434 2005
Legal Services Society of British Columbia, Living common-law : your rights and responsibilities 11th ed. (Vancouver: Legal Services Society, British Columbia, 2005).
Online access:

KN173 .S624 2005
Legal Services Society of British Columbia, If your marriage breaks up : dealing with the legal problems, 9th ed. (Vancouver: Legal Services Society of British Columbia, 2005).
Online access:

KN181 .Y68 2005
Legal Services Society of British Columbia, Your welfare rights : a user’s guide to BC employment and assistance, 19th ed., (Legal Services Society, 2005)
Online access:

KN185.3 .B746
British Columbia, Environmental Appeal Board, Annual report / Environmental Appeal Board (Victoria: The Environmental Appeal Board, 2005).
Online access:

KN210 .C53 2005
John B. Claxton, Studies on the Quebec law of trust (Toronto: Thomson Carswell, 2005).
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KN261 .D67 2005
Thierry Dorval, Governance of publicly listed corporations (Markham: LexisNexis Butterworths, 2005).
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KN261 .S692 2004
Law Society of Upper Canada, Corporate and commercial law (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2005).
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KN303 .L39 2004
Law Commission of Canada, Modernizing Canada’s secured transactions law : the Bank Act security provisions (Ottawa: Law Commission of Canada, 2004).
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KN395.2 .D69 2005
Kelly R. Doyle, Asset protection (Markham: LexisNexis Butterworths, 2005).
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KN347.3 .A24 2005
Lisa K. Abe & Marie-Hélène Constantin, Web law : agreements, guidelines and use policies (Markham: LexisNexis Butterworths, 2005).
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KZ6310 .M48 2005
Guénaël Mettraux, International crimes and the ad hoc tribunals (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005).
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KT4032.2 .C36 2005
J. Edgardo Campos & Jose Luis Syquia, Managing the politics of reform : overhauling the legal infrastructure of public procurement in the Philippines (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2005).
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TD885.5.G73 C352 2005
Canada, Parliament. House of Commons, Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development, Finding the energy to act : reducing Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions : report of the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development ([Ottawa]: Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development, 2005).
Online access:

WA309 .L42 2005
Alicia Ely Yamin, ed., Learning to dance : advancing women’s reproductive health and well-being from the perspectives of public health and human rights (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2005).
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New Books at the Law Library – 05/15/05

E78.C2 T693 2005
Canada, Task Force on Aboriginal Languages and Cultures, Towards a new beginning : a foundational report for a strategy to revitalize First Nation, Inuit and Métis languages and cultures : report to the Minister of Canadian Heritage ([Ottawa]: Task Force on Aboriginal Languages and Cultures, 2005).
Online access:
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E92 .B84 2005
Union of British Columbia Municipalities and Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee, Building relations with First Nations : a handbook for local governments : a compendium of Agreements between First Nations and local governments, 2nd ed. (Richmond: Union of British Columbia Municipalities ; Lower Mainland Treaty Advisory Committee, 2005).
Online access:

HD62.5 .T56 2005
Bryce C. Tingle, Start-up and growth companies in Canada : a guide to legal and business practice (Markham: LexisNexis Butterworths, 2005).
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HF1479.C2 C36 2005
Canada, Parliament. House of Commons, Sub-Committee on International Trade, Trade Disputes and Investment, Elements of an emerging markets strategy for Canada : report of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade (Ottawa: Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade, 2005).
Online access:

HJ795.A1 M36 2004
Alex S. MacNevin, The Canadian federal-provincial equalization regime : an assessment (Toronto: Canadian Tax Foundation, 2004).
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HJ795 .C36 2005
Canada, Parliament. House of Commons. Subcommittee on Fiscal Imbalance, The existence, extent and elimination of Canada’s fiscal imbalance : report of the Subcommittee on Fiscal Imbalance (Ottawa: Standing Committee on Finance, 2005).
Online access:

HJ4661 .T39
KPMG, Tax planning for you and your family (Scarborough: Carswell, [1996]- ).

JS1721.B7 B82 2005
William A. Buholzer, The Community Charter : B.C. local government in transition, 2nd ed. (Vancouver: Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 2005).
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KA70.E2 I67 2005
Richard A. Ippolito, Economics for lawyers (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2005).
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KL26 .B52 2005
Harry Blagg, Background paper : a new way of doing justice business? : community justice mechanisms and sustainable governance in Western Australia (Perth: Law Reform Commission of Western Australia, 2005).
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KL26 .C48 2005
Steven Churches, Background paper on Aboriginal customary law in the context of Western Australian constitutional law (Perth: Law Reform Commission of Western Australia, 2005).
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KL26 .C96 2005
Chris Cunneen & Melanie Schwartz, Background paper : customary law, human rights and international law ; some conceptual issues (Perth: Law Reform Commission of Western Australia, 2005).
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KL26 .D38 2005
Megan Davis & Hannah McGlade, Background paper on international human rights law and the recognition of aboriginal customary law (Perth: Law Reform Commission of Western Australia, 2005).
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KL26 .M34 2005
Greg McIntyre, Background paper : Aboriginal customary law ; can it be recognised? (Perth: Law Reform Commission of Western Australia, 2005)
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KL26 .T73 2004
Kathryn Trees, Background paper on contemporary issues facing customary law and the general legal system : Roebourne : a case study (Perth: Law Reform Commission of Western Australia, 2004).
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KL26 .W63 2005
Catherine Wohlan, Background paper on Aboriginal women’s interests in customary law recognition (Perth: Law Reform Commission of Western Australia, 2005).
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KL80 .M66 2005
Christopher Moore, McCarthy Tétrault : building Canada’s premier law firm, 1855-2005 (Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, 2005).
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KL210.X1 M377 2003 LAW LIBRARY reserve collection
Robert Ivan Martin, The most dangerous branch : how the Supreme Court of Canada has undermined our law and our democracy (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2003).
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KM503.6 .A55
Rick Libman, The … annotated contraventions act (Scarborough: Carswell, [1997]- ).
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KM590.Q43 V56 2005
Philip Vincent, Background paper : Aboriginal people, criminal law and sentencing (Perth: Law Reform Commission of Western Australia, 2005).
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KN60.W34 W35 2004
Janine Hayward and Nicola R. Wheen, eds., The Waitangi Tribunal = Te Roopu Whakamana i te Tiriti o Waitangi (Wellington: Bridget Williams Books, 2004).
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KN337 .I5627 2005
International Maritime Organization, International Convention on Load Lines Protocols, etc. Load lines : International Convention on Load Lines, 1966 and Protocol of 1988, as amended in 2003 (London: International Maritime Organization, 2005).
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KN106.3 .A55 2005
David A. Garner et al., Annotated British Columbia Builders Lien Act, 2005 (Vancouver: Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 2005).
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KN111 .J36 2005
Terri Janke and Robynne Quiggin, Background paper on Indigenous cultural and intellectual property and customary law (Perth: Law Reform Commission of Western Australia, 2005).
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KN170 .H695 2005
Berend Hovius, Family law : cases, notes and materials, 6th student ed. (TorontoCarswell, 2005).
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KN172.8 .R59 2005
Glenn Rivard & Judy Hunter, The law of assisted human reproduction (Markham: LexisNexis Canada, 2005).
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KN184.5 .C58 2005
Kimberlea Cartwright et al., A citizen’s guide to FOI : how to get government records (Victoria: Environmental Law Clinic, 2005).
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KN210 .G55 2005
Eileen E. Gillese & Martha Milczynski, The law of trusts, 2nd ed. (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2005).
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KN210 .R68 2005
Leonard I. Rotman, Fiduciary law (Toronto: Thomson/Carswell, 2005).
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KN347.3 .A23 2004
Lisa K. Abe, Internet and e-commerce agreements : drafting and negotiating tips, 2nd ed. (Toronto: LexisNexis Butterworths, 2004).
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KN391.5 .E95 2005
Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, Expert evidence in British Columbia civil proceedings, 2nd ed. (Vancouver: Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 2005).
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KV29.7 .D46 2003
Dele Dhondt, Integration of environmental protection into other EC policies : legal theory and practice (Groningen: Europa Law Pub., 2003).
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KV1443 H84 2004
Pieter Huisman, Water legislation in the Netherlands (Delft: DUP Satellite, 2004).
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KW84 .L46 2005
Koen Lenaerts & Piet Van Nuffel, Constitutional law of the European Union, 2nd ed. (London: Thomson/Sweet & Maxwell, 2005).
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KZ4041 .R328 2005
Jeremy A. Rabkin, Law without nations? : why constitutional government requires sovereign states (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2005).
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W700 .H435
Health Law Institute, Precedent & innovation : health law in the 21st century (Edmonton: Health Law Institute, 2003).
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