Law Library Blog

The Law Library Blog provides up-to-date information regarding services, events, resources, and news relevant to the Law Library at the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver.

Agnes Huang in UBC Reports

Agnes Huang, one of UBC Law School’s 2005 Ray Herbert Award winners, is profiled in the current issue of UBC Reports. UBC Reports – Law School Equips Community Advocate HTML Version: PDF Version:

Construction & Shifting Project in the Law Library

Construction in the Law Library Library renovations will begin on Tuesday, May 3rd. The wooden Ph.D carrels on the top floor will be dismantled, a new meeting/training room will be constructed in the NE area of the top floor, new Ph.D carrels will be located along the west side of the top floor, and an […]

Index to Legal Periodicals Retrospective: 1918-1981

The UBC Library has a new subscription to Index to Legal Periodicals Retrospective: 1918-1981 from WilsonWeb. This index is a bibliographic database that cumulates citations from print editions of Index to Legal Periodicals published between 1918-1981. Periodical coverage includes law reviews, bar association journals, university publications, yearbooks, institutes, and government publications. Index to Legal Periodicals […]

New Court Reforms in British Columbia

Changes to court rules to improve access to court for British Columbians was announced by Attorney General Geoff Plant on March 30th, 2005, to be effective September 1st, 2005. This includes raising the financial limit for disputes in small claims court from the previous limit of $10,000 to $25,000. News Release Backgrounder

New Electronic Services

The UBC Library has new subscriptions to 3 online resources from Thompson Gale. Making of Modern Law: Legal Treatises 1800-1926: Provides digital images for all pages of 22,000 American and British legal treatises published between 1800 through 1926. Using full-text searching, researchers can access over 10 million pages from casebooks, local practice manuals, form […]

Upcoming Amendments to the Copyright Act

An announcement regarding upcoming amendments to Copyright legislation is here. Includes links to a backgrounder with highlights of the proposed legislation, a copy of the Joint Statement, and series of frequently asked questions.

National Committee on Accreditation (NCA)

National Committee on Accreditation (NCA) – Foreign lawyers or Canadians with a foreign law degree who wish to become members of a Canadian Law Society must apply to the National Committee on Accreditation for an evaluation of their legal credentials and experience Readings • Supreme Court of Canada [SCC] cases – are accessible from […]

Air India Ruling

The decision to acquit two Sikh men on charges of conspiracy and murder in the 1985 Air India bombing, R. v. Malik and Bagri is available from the Courts of British Columbia website here.

Passing of Professor Adam Albright

[Message from the Dean of Law at UBC] To the UBC Faculty of Law Community: The Faculty was saddened to learn of the passing away of Adam Albright, an adjunct faculty member and partner at Harris and Company. Professor Albright taught Labour Law at UBC for the past five years. He will be greatly missed […]

Newspapers and News Sources

Looking for newspaper articles? Check out this site for information… Please note: most online resources are restricted to UBC students, faculty, staff, and visitors working in the Library.