FC97 .K48 2005
Gerald Kernerman, Multicultural nationalism : civilizing difference, constituting community (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2005).
More about this: http://toby.library.ubc.ca/utilities/isbn.cfm?isbn=0774810009
HD7106 .C2
Legal Services Society of British Columbia, When I’m 64: Guide to benefits and services for people aged 60 and over, revised January 2005 ed. (New Westminster: Legal Services Society of British Columbia, January 2005).
Online access: http://www.lss.bc.ca/__shared/assets/wi641011.pdf
HF1379 .D56 2005
Janet Dine, Companies, international trade and human rights (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005).
Table of contents: http://www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/cam051/2004051109.html
Publisher description: http://www.loc.gov/catdir/description/cam051/2004051109.html
More about this: http://toby.library.ubc.ca/utilities/isbn.cfm?isbn=0521828619
HJ9921 .C363 2005
Canada, Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills Development, Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities, An examination of new directives governing contribution agreements for selected programs delivered on behalf of Human Resources and Skills Development Canada : report of the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills Development, Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities ([Ottawa]: Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills Development, Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities, 2005).
Online access: http://www.aspect.bc.ca/pdf/hrsdc_finalreport_05.pdf
HV6541.C2 J64 2005
Kirsten Johnson Kramar, Unwilling mothers, unwanted babies : infanticide in Canada (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2005).
More about this: http://toby.library.ubc.ca/utilities/isbn.cfm?isbn=0774811765
JL111 .C36 2005
Canada, Parliament, Standing Committee on Official Languages, Bilingualism in public service of Canada : report of the Standing Committee on Official Languages ([Ottawa]: Standing Committee on Official Languages, 2005).
Online access: http://www.parl.gc.ca/committee/CommitteePublication.aspx?COM=8987&Lang=1&SourceId=116993
JL136 .C3632 2005
Canada, Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics, A new process for funding Officers of Parliament : report of the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics ([Ottawa]: Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics, 2005).
Online access: http://www.parl.gc.ca/committee/CommitteePublication.aspx?COM=8998&Lang=1&SourceId=114787
K101 .F582 2005
Judith D. Fischer, Pleasing the court : writing ethical and effective briefs (Durham: Carolina Academic Press, 2005).
Table of contents: http://www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/ecip0416/2004007864.html
More about this: http://toby.library.ubc.ca/utilities/isbn.cfm?isbn=1594600457
KB11.C2 B3884 2005
Jack Batten with the Advocates’ Society, Learned friends : a tribute to fifty remarkable Ontario advocates, 1950-2000 (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2005).
More about this: http://toby.library.ubc.ca/utilities/isbn.cfm?isbn=155221107x
KL11 .S58 2004
Gary Slapper & David Kelly The English legal system (London: Cavendish, 2004).
More about this: http://toby.library.ubc.ca/utilities/isbn.cfm?isbn=1859419453
KA70.A57 H588 1989
June Starr and Jane F. Collier, eds., History and power in the study of law : new directions in legal anthropology (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1989).
More about this: http://toby.library.ubc.ca/utilities/isbn.cfm?isbn=0801494230
KL177.Q4 Q445
Queensland, Law Reform Commission, Annual report / Queensland Law Reform Commission ([Brisbane]: The Queensland Law Reform Commission, 2005).
Online access: http://www.qlrc.qld.gov.au/publications/ar2005.pdf
KL211.N48 G68 2005
Nina Jane Goudie, Down north on the Labrador circuit : the Court of Civil Jurisdiction, 1826 to 1833 : an essay to commemorate the opening of the Supreme Court courthouse in Happy Valley-Goose Bay, Labrador ([St. John’s]: Law Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador, 2005).
More about this: http://toby.library.ubc.ca/utilities/isbn.cfm?isbn=1897021232
KL222.5 .S67 2005
James L.H. Sprague, The annotated British Columbia Administrative Tribunals Act (Scarborough: Carswell, 2005).
More about this: http://toby.library.ubc.ca/utilities/isbn.cfm?isbn=0459242695
KM237 .C365 2004
Canada, Privy Council Office, Conflict of interest and post-employment code for public office holders, rev. ed. (Ottawa: Privy Council Office], 2004).
Online access: http://www.parl.gc.ca/oec/en/public_office_holders/conflict_of_interest/
More about this: http://toby.library.ubc.ca/utilities/isbn.cfm?isbn=0662684052
KM306 .A372 2004
Administrative Review Council, Automated assistance in administrative decision making : report to the Attorney-General (Barton: Administrative Review Council, 2004).
More about this: http://toby.library.ubc.ca/utilities/isbn.cfm?isbn=0642211256
KM307 .A56
Alberta. Office of the Ombudsman, Annual report of the Ombudsman (Edmonton: Office of the Ombudsman, 2005).
Online access: http://www.ombudsman.ab.ca/annual-reports.htm
KM337.1 .C3753
CCH Canadian Limited, Draft legislation and explantory notes implementing remaining 2005 budget income tax measures (Don Mills: CCH Canadian, August 15, 2005).
KM337.1 .C3753
CCH Canadian Limited, Special report: Notice of ways and means motions re GST and income tax amendments (Don Mills: CCH Canadian, November 17, 2005).
KN58.2 .C36 2005
Canada, Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, Walking arm-in-arm to resolve the issue of on-reserve matrimonial real property : report of the Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development ([Ottawa]: Standing Committee on Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development, 2005).
Online access: http://www.parl.gc.ca/InfocomDoc/38/1/parlbus/commbus/house/AANO/report/RP1906551/aanorp05-e.htm
KN114.1 .M55 2005
Oliver Mills, Biotechnological inventions : moral restraints and patent law (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2005).
Table of contents: http://www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/ecip052/2004025400.html
More about this: http://toby.library.ubc.ca/utilities/isbn.cfm?isbn=075462420x
KN125 .S647 2003
Robyn Solnik & Mary-Alice Thompson, Drafting wills in Ontario : a lawyer’s practical guide (Toronto: CCH Canadian, 2003).
More about this: http://toby.library.ubc.ca/utilities/isbn.cfm?isbn=1553672062
KN172.9.C6 S434 2005
Legal Services Society of British Columbia, Living common-law : your rights and responsibilities 11th ed. (Vancouver: Legal Services Society, British Columbia, 2005).
Online access: http://www.familylaw.lss.bc.ca/pdf-lss/lcl.pdf
KN173 .S624 2005
Legal Services Society of British Columbia, If your marriage breaks up : dealing with the legal problems, 9th ed. (Vancouver: Legal Services Society of British Columbia, 2005).
Online access: http://www.familylaw.lss.bc.ca/pdf-lss/iymbu.pdf
KN181 .Y68 2005
Legal Services Society of British Columbia, Your welfare rights : a user’s guide to BC employment and assistance, 19th ed., (Legal Services Society, 2005)
Online access: http://www.lss.bc.ca/__shared/assets/ywr1009.pdf
KN185.3 .B746
British Columbia, Environmental Appeal Board, Annual report / Environmental Appeal Board (Victoria: The Environmental Appeal Board, 2005).
Online access: http://www.eab.gov.bc.ca/Annual04.pdf
KN210 .C53 2005
John B. Claxton, Studies on the Quebec law of trust (Toronto: Thomson Carswell, 2005).
More about this: http://toby.library.ubc.ca/utilities/isbn.cfm?isbn=0459241737
KN261 .D67 2005
Thierry Dorval, Governance of publicly listed corporations (Markham: LexisNexis Butterworths, 2005).
More about this: http://toby.library.ubc.ca/utilities/isbn.cfm?isbn=0433450134
KN261 .S692 2004
Law Society of Upper Canada, Corporate and commercial law (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2005).
More about this: http://toby.library.ubc.ca/utilities/isbn.cfm?isbn=1552210960
KN303 .L39 2004
Law Commission of Canada, Modernizing Canada’s secured transactions law : the Bank Act security provisions (Ottawa: Law Commission of Canada, 2004).
Online access: http://epe.lac-bac.gc.ca/100/200/301/lcc-cdc/modernizing_canada_secured-e/index.html
More about this: http://toby.library.ubc.ca/utilities/isbn.cfm?isbn=0662683609
KN395.2 .D69 2005
Kelly R. Doyle, Asset protection (Markham: LexisNexis Butterworths, 2005).
More about this: http://toby.library.ubc.ca/utilities/isbn.cfm?isbn=0433437928
KN347.3 .A24 2005
Lisa K. Abe & Marie-Hélène Constantin, Web law : agreements, guidelines and use policies (Markham: LexisNexis Butterworths, 2005).
More about this: http://toby.library.ubc.ca/utilities/isbn.cfm?isbn=0433445904
KZ6310 .M48 2005
Guénaël Mettraux, International crimes and the ad hoc tribunals (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005).
Table of contents: http://www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/ecip053/2004025881.html
More about this: http://toby.library.ubc.ca/utilities/isbn.cfm?isbn=0199271550
KT4032.2 .C36 2005
J. Edgardo Campos & Jose Luis Syquia, Managing the politics of reform : overhauling the legal infrastructure of public procurement in the Philippines (Washington, DC: World Bank, 2005).
Online access: http://www-wds.worldbank.org/servlet/WDS_IBank_Servlet?pcont=details&eid=000090341_20051031141413
More about this: http://toby.library.ubc.ca/utilities/isbn.cfm?isbn=0821364359
TD885.5.G73 C352 2005
Canada, Parliament. House of Commons, Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development, Finding the energy to act : reducing Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions : report of the Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development ([Ottawa]: Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development, 2005).
Online access: http://www.parl.gc.ca/infocomdoc/38/1/parlbus/commbus/house/ENVI/report/RP1875334/envirp07/envirp07-e.pdf
WA309 .L42 2005
Alicia Ely Yamin, ed., Learning to dance : advancing women’s reproductive health and well-being from the perspectives of public health and human rights (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2005).
More about this: http://toby.library.ubc.ca/utilities/isbn.cfm?isbn=0674019482