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New Books at the Law Library – 14/02/17

LAW LIBRARY level 3: HF1359 .H64 2009
Bernard M. Hoekman & Michel M. Kostecki, The Political Economy of the World Trading System: WTO and Beyond, 3d ed. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KE1575 .J66 2013
Navin Joneja, Regulation of Foreign Investment in Canada: The Investment Canada ACT – Law, Policy and Practice: (Toronto: Carswell, 2013).

LAW LIBRARY reference room (level 2): KE1305.A316 R46 2013
Donald J. Rennie et al., 2014 Crown Liability and Proceedings Act (Toronto: Carswell, 2013).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KU4795 .A58 2013
Thalia Anthony, Indigenous People, Crime and Punishment (Abingdon: Routledge, 2013).
Online access:

New Books at the Law Library – 14/02/11

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KE355.A96 W48 2013
David Whelan, Practice Law in the Cloud (Aurora: Canada Law Book, 2013).

LAW LIBRARY reference room (level 2): KE538.5 .H68 2013
Berend Hovius and Mary-Jo Maur, Hovius on Family Law: Cases, Notes and Materials, 8th ed. (Toronto: Carswell, 2013).

LAW LIBRARY reference room (level 2): KE1240 .D73 2014
Michel W. Drapeau & Marc-Aurèle Racicot, Protection of Privacy in the Canadian Private and Health Sectors 2014 (Toronto: Carswell, 2014).

LAW LIBRARY reference room (level 2): KE2779 .J82 2011
Elizabeth F. Judge & Daniel J. Gervais, Intellectual Property: The Law in Canada, 2d ed. (Toronto: Carswell, 2011).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KE2791 .S66 2013
Barry Sookman, Steven Mason & Carys Craig, Copyright: Cases and Commentary on the Canadian and International Law (Toronto: Carswell, 2013).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KE2900 .M33 2013
Douglas R. Mah & Jason J.J. Bodnar, The Law of the Written Word: A Legal Guide for Writers in Canada (Toronto: Carswell, 2013).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KE3206 .K87 2013
Barry Kuretzky & Jennifer MacKenzie, Mediating Employment Disputes (Toronto: Canada Law Book, 2013).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KE3365 .K45 2014
Norm Keith, Workplace Health and Safety Crimes, 3d ed. (Markham: LexisNexis, 2014).

New Books at the Law Library – 14/02/03

LAW LIBRARY level 3: K720 .P755 2013
James Charles Smith, ed., Property and Sovereignty: Legal and Cultural Perspectives (Farnham: Ashgate, 2013).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KE394.Z85 E88
G. Blaine Baker & Donald Fyson, eds., Essays in the History of Canadian Law: Quebec and the Canadas, v. XI (Toronto: Published for the Osgoode Society by University of Toronto Press, 2013).

New Books at the Law Library – 14/01/27

LAW LIBRARY level 3: HV9960.C2 M87 2013
Carmela Murdocca, To Right Historical Wrongs: Race, Gender, and Sentencing in Canada (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2013).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: K349 .A74 2013
Margaret Davies and Vanessa E. Munro, eds., The Ashgate Research Companion to Feminist Legal Theory (Farnham: Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2013).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: K795 .W67 2013
Lionel Smith, ed., The Worlds of the Trust (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013).
Online access:

LAW LIBRARY level 3: K3585 .Z46 2013
Cathrin Zengerling, Greening International Jurisprudence: Environmental NGOs before International Courts,. Tribunals, and Compliance Committees (Leiden: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 2013).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: K5066 .C76 2013
Penny Crofts, Wickedness and Crime: Laws of Homicide and Malice (Abingdon: Routledge, 2013).
Online access:

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KD8344 .N53 2013
Clive Nicholls, Nicholls, Montgomery, and Knowles on The Law of Extradition and Mutual Assistance, 3d ed. (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KE3206 .S26 2013
John P. Sanderson & Matthew Wilson, Labour Arbitrations and All That: A Handbook On the Preparation and Presentation of Labour Arbitrations, 4th ed. (Toronto: Canada Law Book, 2013).

LAW LIBRARY reference room (level 2): KE3432 .K37 2013
Ari Kaplan & Mitch Frazer, Pension Law, 2d ed. (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2013).

LAW LIBRARY reference room (level 2): KEB533 .B73 2013
Keith Bracken & Monique W. Dull et al., eds., British Columbia Courtroom Procedure (Markham: LexisNexis, 2013).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KF4550 .B35 2013
Jerome A. Barron & C. Thomas Dienes, Constitutional Law in a Nutshell, 8th ed. (St. Paul: West, 2013).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KF9084.Z9 N65 2013
Jacqueline M. Nolan-Haley, Alternative Dispute Resolution in a Nutshell, 4th ed. (St. Paul: West Pub. Co., 2013).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KNQ500 .C55 2013
Yuanshi Bu, ed., Chinese Civil Law (München: C.H. Beck, 2013).

Person with laptop walking into classroom.

Westlaw Canada & LexisNexis Quicklaw Training Sessions – February/March 2014

Revised February 6, 2014   Westlaw Canada & LexisNexis Quicklaw (Part of the Law – Commercial Databases Training Sessions) • For all UBC Law Students and Faculty • Registration is required – please click on the appropriate link below to sign up • Please have your IDs and passwords before attending sessions • Location: Law Library […]

New Books at the Law Library – 14/01/20

LAW LIBRARY reference room (level 2): KE250 .M33 2013
Douglass T. MacEllven, Legal Research Handbook, 6th ed. (Markham: LexisNexis Canada, 2013).

LAW LIBRARY reference room (level 2): KE1149 .B77 2013
Craig Brown & Andrew Mercer, Introduction to Canadian Insurance Law, 3d ed. (Markham: LexisNexis Canada, 2013).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KE1246 .B75 2013
Raymond E. Brown, Defamation Law: A Primer, 2d ed. (Toronto: Carswell, 2013).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KE3109 .F43 2013
Brian W. Burkett et al., Federal Labour Law and Practice (Toronto: Canada Law Book, 2013).

LAW LIBRARY reference room (level 2): KE4219 .F85 2013
Bernard W. Funston & Eugene Meehan, Canada’s Constitutional Law in a Nutshell, 4th ed. (Toronto: Carswell, 2013).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KE7709 .G72313 2013
Sébastien Grammond, translated by Jodi Lazare Terms of Coexistence: Indigenous Peoples and Canadian Law (Toronto: Carswell, 2013).

New Books at the Law Library – 13/01/14

LAW LIBRARY level 3: GE190.E95 E92 2007
Paul G. Harris, eds., Europe and Global Climate Change: Politics, Foreign Policy and Regional Cooperation (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2007).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: K487.E3 S84 2013
Frank H. Stephen, Lawyers, Markets And Regulation (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, [2013]).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: K1401 .I572 2013
Toshiko Takenaka, ed., Intellectual Property In Common Law And Civil Law (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2013).
Online access:

LAW LIBRARY level 3: K3585 .C78 2010
Koh Kheng-Lian, Lye Lin- Heng & Jolene Lin, eds., Crucial Issues in Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol: Asia and the World (Singapore: World Scientific, 2010).
Online access:

LAW LIBRARY level 3: K3585 .E578 1999
Klaus Bosselmann & Benjamin J. Richardson, eds., Environmental Justice and Market Mechanisms: Key Challenges for Environmental Laws and Policy (The Hague: Kluwer Law, 1999).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: K3585.5 .I685 2010
Aynsley Kellow & Sonja Boehmer-Christiansen, eds., The International Politics of Climate Change (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2010).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KD654 .S77 2013
Jack Straw, Aspects of Law Reform: An Insider’s Perspective (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KE361.S3 M45 2007
Iain A. Mentiplay, A Century of Integrity: The Law Society of Saskatchewan, 1907-2007 (Regina: Law Society of Saskatchewan, 2007).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KE4454 .W673 2013
Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, Working Your Way into Canada, 2013 Update: Materials Prepared for the Continuing Legal Education Seminar, Working Your Way into Canada 2013, Held in Vancouver, B.C., on September 27, 2013 (Vancouver: Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 2013).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KE7709 .P46 2013
Sandra Tomsons & Lorraine Mayer, eds., Philosophy and Aboriginal Rights: Critical Dialogues (Don Mills: OUP Press, 2013).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KE7709.5 .A253 2013
Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, Aboriginal Law Conference, 2013: Materials Prepared for the Continuing Legal Education Conference, Aboriginal Law Conference 2013, Held in Vancouver, B.C., on October 16, 2013 (Vancouver: Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 2013).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KE9260 .C75 2013
Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, Criminal Law and the Charter, 2013: Materials Prepared for the Continuing Legal Education Seminar, Criminal Law and the Charter 2013, Held in Vancouver, BC, on October 19th, 2013 (Vancouver: Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 2013).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KEB194 .F335 2013
Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, Family Law for non-family lawyers : materials prepared for the Continuing Legal Education seminar, Family Law for Non-Family Lawyers, held in Vancouver, B.C., on September 30, 2013 (Vancouver: Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 2013).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KEB400 .L323 2013
Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, Labour Relations, 2013 Update: Materials Prepared for the Continuing Legal Education Conference, Labour Relations 2013, Held in Vancouver, B.C., on September 25, 2013 (Vancouver: Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 2013).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KEB549 .L58 2013
Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, A Litigator’s Arsenal, 2013 Update: Materials Prepared for the Continuing Legal Education Seminar, A litigator’s Arsenal 2013, Held in Vancouver, B.C., on September 26, 2013 (Vancouver: Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 2013).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KEB560.E8 E955 2013
Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, Expert Evidence: Materials Prepared for the Continuing Legal Education Seminar, Expert Evidence 2013, Held in Vancouver, B.C., on October 23, 2013 (Vancouver: Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, 2013).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KJE5461 .J83 2013
Maurice Adams et al., eds., Judging Europe’s Judges: The Legitimacy of the Case Law of the European Court of Justice (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2013).

New Books at the Law Library – 14/01/06

LAW LIBRARY level 3: K236 .D68 2013
Sionaidh Douglas-Scott, Law After Modernity (Oxford: Hart Pub., 2013).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: K1005 .D35 2013
Jan H. Dalhuisen, Dalhuisen on Transnational and Comparative Commercial, Financial and Trade Law, 5th ed. (Oxford: Hart Publishing, 2013).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: K4475 .L36 2010
Michael Lang, Introduction to the Law of Double Taxation Conventions (Vienna: Linde, 2010).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KD671 .G43 2013
Adam Gearey, Wayne Morrison & Robert Jago, The Politics of the Common Law: Perspectives, Rights, Processes, Institutions (Abingdon: Routledge, 2013).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KE5884 .V56 2013
François Vincent, Transfer Pricing in Canada (Toronto: Thomson Carswell, 2013).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KEO1130.5.E44 S44 2013
Berkley D. Sells, The Conduct of Oral and Documentary Discovery (Markham: LexisNexis Canada, 2013).

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KF4600 .R93 2011
Erin Ryan, Federalism and the Tug of War Within (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011).
Online access:

LAW LIBRARY level 3: KJE4445 .S35 2012
Dagmar Schiek, Economic And Social Integration: The Challenge for EU Constitutional Law (Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2012).
Online access: