UBC Faculty of Law is kicking off a major fundraising campaign to construct a new building thanks to a $1 million gift from Farris, a leading Canadian law firm based in Vancouver. View the Media Release. View the UBC Law News report. View the UBC Public Affairs Media Release.
Posted in General Announcements
AGIS Plus Text (Australian database from informit) AGIS Plus Text is a full text online database which offers secondary law resources covering all aspects of law in Australia, New Zealand and Asia Pacific. AGIS Plus Text provides access to articles from over 130 legal journals from Australia, New Zealand and the Asia-Pacific region indexed in […]
Posted in Commercial Databases
from http://www.publicaffairs.ubc.ca/media/releases/2006/mr-06-035.html Excerpt: A scholar specializing in human rights, public international law and international relations has been appointed the 12th president and vice-chancellor of The University of British Columbia. Stephen Toope, president of the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Foundation, succeeds Dr. Martha Piper, who completes her nine years’ service to the university on June 30, 2006. […]
Posted in General Announcements
The British Columbia Courthouse Library and UBC Law Library have worked cooperatively on a project to digitize the British Columbia Reports, with funding provided by the Notary Foundation of B.C. The British Columbia Reports is a law report series that was first published in 1884 by the Law Society of British Columbia, with judgments dating […]
Posted in General Announcements
The Globe and Mail University Report Card ranks UBC Library as one of the two top-ranked libraries of the ten universities in the large-sized category. For further details, see: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/reportcard/
Posted in General Announcements
From http://www.law.ubc.ca/news/2005/oct/10_24_2005_curtis.html It is with great sorrow that the Faculty of Law announces the passing of our founding dean, Dean Emeritus George F. Curtis. To many, Dean Curtis is the Faculty of Law. He started the UBC Faculty of Law in 1948 and remained dean until his retirement in 1971. He saw the school through […]
Posted in General Announcements
For the UBC Media Release dated Oct. 3, 2005, see http://www.publicaffairs.ubc.ca/media/releases/2005/mr-05-118.html For more information about the ASRS (Automated Storage and Retrieval System), see http://www.library.ubc.ca/home/asrs/whatis.html To find out how to retrieve materials from the ASRS, see http://www.library.ubc.ca/home/asrs/how-to/
Posted in General Announcements
The Making of Modern Law, also known as “MOML” is the latest collection of e-book records loaded into our catalogue. Representing over 21,000 works, the collection covers American and British legal history of the 19th and early 20th centuries (1800-1926). Titles include casebooks, local practice manuals, form books, works for lay readers, pamphlets, letters, speeches […]
Posted in General Announcements
The Canadian Centre for Elder Law Studies is pleased to offer the First Annual Gregory K. Steele, Q.C. Prize awarded for best paper on an Elder Law Topic by a graduate or undergraduate student in law. Presentation of the award will be made at the conference. The award includes an honorarium of $500, conference registration […]
Posted in General Announcements