General Announcements

UBC Names New University Librarian

Ingrid Parent, currently Assistant Deputy Minister, Library and Archives Canada, will be UBC’s new University Librarian. For more information, click on

Week 4 Question of the Week – Would you like more legal research classes offered by library staff?

The UBC Law Library would like to hear from you… Week 4 – Question of the Week – Would you like more legal research classes offered by library staff? Please take a brief moment of your time to answer our new Question of the Week on the Law Library homepage at: You can also […]

Film Showing of Rex v. Singh

Film Showing of Rex v. Singh March 26, 2009 from 6:00-8:00 pm In the Victoria Learning Theatre located in the Irving K. Barber Learning Center Rex v. Singh, a film by Ali Kazimi, explores a famous case in Vancouver a century ago that revealed the complex entwining of anti-Sikh discrimination and anti-sodomy legislation. Based on […]

Week 3 Question of the Week – Would You Like to See Group Study Rooms in the Library?

The UBC Law Library would like to hear from you… Week 3 – Question of the Week – Would you like to see group study rooms in the library?? Please take a brief moment of your time to answer our new Question of the Week on the Law Library homepage at: You can also […]

Week 2 Question of the Week – Do the Library Computers Meet Your Needs?

The UBC Law Library would like to hear from you… Week 2 – Question of the Week – Do the library computers meet your needs? Please take a brief moment of your time to answer our new Question of the Week on the Law Library homepage at: You can also find results of last […]

Law Library’s Question of the Week

The UBC Law Library would like to hear from you… Please take a moment of your time to answer our Question of the Week on the Law Library homepage at: A new question and results of prior questions will be posted each week! Thanks for your input!

Free Access to Statutes and Regulations

The public will no longer be required to pay to have access to up-to-date provincial statutes and regulations. For more information, see: Free Access to Statutes and Regulations Starts Jan. 1

Kill A Watt UBC Library Project

UBC Library has teamed with the Sustainability Office in a new project to circulate Kill A Watt devices that record energy consumption of electrical equipment. By charging out the Kill A Watt, borrowers can monitor the amount of energy that appliances and other components consume. The purpose of the project is to facilitate the University’s […]

New eBook Platform Trial – eBrary

The UBC Library is currently running a trial of the eBrary eBook platform. Two collections are available through this site: eDuke (Duke UP eBooks) and Academic Complete. eDuke includes approximately 900 eBooks from Duke University Press, while Academic Complete provides access to 37,000 books across 20 subject areas from a number of publishers, including Springer. […]